Export Health Certificate

Export Health Certificate

If you operate a food business in Ireland and intend to export food to establishments outside of the EU, (i.e. third countries, GB is now a third country), it is imperative that you understand the requirements in order to ensure that you are in a position to request the Export Health Certificates.

What is an Export Health Certificate?

An Export Health Certificate (EHC) is an official document that confirms your export meets the health requirements of the destination country.

The onus is on the Irish Exporter to obtain the EHC from the Irish Competent authority.

An EHC must accompany all exports of products of animal origin from Ireland to GB from 1st October 2021.

How do I apply for an EHC?

Firstly, you must ensure that your business details are registered on TRACES NT as the EU will be transferring the Data Base of registered establishments to GB authorities. If you are not registered on TRACES NT you will be unable to export to GB. Please contact the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM) at brexitregistration@agriculture.gov.ie if you are not registered.

Secondly, in order to apply for an EHC, please ensure you have the necessary system access. The nature of the export will determine which system you must use in order to apply to the certifying officer for the EHC, as illustrated below. Please contact DAFM if you have any queries with system registration.

Food Category of Export

EHC Requirements

Meat, Meat Producsts & Composite Products
  • Register on TRACES classic and apply for an EHC.
  • Alert your Veterinary Office via email.
  • Register on TRACES classic and apply for an EHC.
  • Submit an application form with supporting documents by emailing egghealthcerts@agriculture.gov.ie
Honey Products
  • Register on TRACES classic and apply for an EHC.
  • Alert the Honey Inspectorate of the upcoming export, located in DAFM's laboratory in Backweston, 3 working days before the export date by emailing beekeeping@agriculture.gov.ie
Dairy Products
  • Apply through DAFM's Dairy Products Certification System (DPCS).
Fish and Fishery Products
  • Apply through Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) regional port office.
Fishery products subject to IUU/Catch Certificate
  • Apply to SFPA through the Export Certificate System (ECS).
  • For direct landings apply to SFPA through the ERS system.

High priority plants must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate since 01 January 2021. All other regulated plants and plant products must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate from 01 January 2022. Click here to view the current listing of high priority plants.

How to apply for an Export Phytosanitary Certificate?

BDO have a team of Food, Drink & Agri-Business specialists who are available to assist you with the following:

  1. Understanding your product and determining the import/export requirements. Compile a product inventory in order to determine the import/export requirements for each item.
  2. Assist you in completing the necessary registration requirements with the Competent Authorities.
  3. Ensuring you have obtained the necessary system information technology access in order to meet the import/export requirements.
  4. Training on the completion of a Common Health Entry Document, Private Attestation, and the necessary pre-notification requirements.
  5. Assist you in understanding the food import codes and ensuring these are inserted in your import declaration.
  6. Document retention requirements.

It is important that you understand the requirements for the type of food product you are importing/exporting and that all necessary documentation is completed on time and provided to the necessary party.

Should you wish to discuss your food import/export requirements, we are delighted to be in a position to assist you in this process. Please contact myself (clynch@bdo.ie) or Marie Farrell (mfarrell@bdo.ie) to find out more.