Omnichannel retailing strategy: An essential guide

Omnichannel retailing strategy: An essential guide

Omnichannel retailing takes into consideration the fact that many customers switch across channels during the customer journey. In a recent report by Salesforce, it was revealed that 67% of customers use multiple channels to complete a single transaction.  Before making a transaction, a person may view the product online before purchasing offline, or visit a brand’s website before making a purchase on their preferred website. Therefore, regardless of whether people are using digital channels or offline options, they’re treated to a consistent brand and content marketing messaging.

An omnichannel strategy aims to remove barriers that prevent customers from switching across channels or slow down their conversion rate by creating a seamless, integrated experience.

Most businesses use a variety of channels to interact and communicate with their customers, including websites, social media, email, mobile, instant messaging, physical storefronts, and so on. However, only a few have been able to deliver a unified experience and consistent messaging across all channels. According to a report by McKinsey, 78% of retailers acknowledge that they don't offer a consistent experience.

Moving to an omnichannel approach

Although every organisation must design their own omnichannel strategy based on their distinctive business goals, there are certain boxes that must be ticked along the way.  

1. Analyse your customers

Understanding your audience's needs, wants, finances, behaviours, budget, and pain areas is crucial before you begin. A good question to ask is what channels are they most active on?  Gathering insights about your customers behaviours will allow you to map out customer journeys and deliver the most relevant experience at the correct time.

2. Obtain support from all departments

To be successful, each business will need to collaborate closely with several important parties, including the teams in charge of the product, marketing, sales, support, customer success, and logistics. To ensure that each department is aware of the aims of your omnichannel strategy, include these departments early in the process of building an omnichannel strategy. Every department is reliant on each department in order to be successful. Each organisation must be aware of what the other is doing, why they are doing it, and how that will affect their department to provide a smooth customer journey and experience. The key is effective collaboration and communication.

3. Choose your omnichannel software tools carefully

It's crucial to equip your staff in sales, marketing, support, and fulfilment with the appropriate tools for monitoring inventories, content compliance, marketing automation, and CRM systems.. You should look for software with built-in integrations, API integrations, and excellent analytics reports.

4. Make data security a priority

Using data from your CRM, and other platforms effectively is essential for omnichannel success. Brands must, however, reassure consumers that their personal data is being handled with care. Create a policy for securely exchanging and preserving client information, then inform your customers of it.

5. Conduct a lot of UX testing

A lot may go wrong with your omnichannel experience because there are so many touchpoints and crossovers. It is crucial to regularly test the user experience and go through every journey that your customers might take.

Final thoughts

The way consumers shop has drastically changed. If you are interested in how the BDO Eaton Square eCommerce team can help you develop a strong omnichannel strategy to ensure you deliver a consistent brand experience, click here.