BDO assist Tigers Childcare in securing investment from Dunport Capital

BDO assist Tigers Childcare in securing investment from Dunport Capital

Tigers Childcare is one of the largest childcare providers in Ireland, currently catering for over 1,250 children in the greater Dublin region. In recent years, Tigers Childcare has become a market leader in the provision of high quality childcare solutions and is due to open its first overseas facility in London next month. The Company recently secured a €5m investment from DunPort Capital Management to help fuel its expansion plans.
DunPort Capital Management is an Irish owned and managed asset management company focused on the private debt asset class. The DunPort team have been providing flexible capital solutions to SMEs and mid-sized corporates since 2013 and during this time have deployed over €500m across multiple industries.

Commenting on BDO’s support, Karen Clince, CEO of Tigers Childcare said: "BDO went above and beyond in supporting Tigers Childcare in the due diligence process. The team were incredibly professional at all times; guiding, supporting and in some cases educating our team. Although the time scale was tight, BDO were always the calm guide through what can be a stressful process".

The BDO Team providing due diligence services on the transaction was led by Rory O'Keeffe, Transaction Services Partner, and Eddie Doyle, Tax Partner.