Financial Services
Corporate Secretarial
A retired Partner with BDO Ireland, with over 40 years' experience in the financial services industry, David is a Consultant for the Corporate Secretarial department in BDO, specialising in Corporate Governance and Company Secretarial practice. He has a proven track record advising leading corporations and helping them establish business operations in Ireland. His career as a Company Secretary combined with being a Partner in a leading Irish accountancy firm meant spending much time in Ireland’s Corporate Boardrooms.
David specialises in advising and aiding governance and corporate secretarial matters to Irish and international corporations. He is particularly involved in overseeing multi-jurisdictions setups, corporate reorganisations, and compliance services.
A fellow of the Institute of the Chartered Governance Institute, he is also on the Board member and Director of multiple international companies operating across Ireland in areas such as Financial Services, Real Estate, and high street Retail.
Reach out to David at or via the listed contact details for further support.